Handwriting >Typing?

Josephine Livina
2 min readJul 17, 2021


In the spirit of reflecting on this question, firstly I write a piece on my pad, and secondly, I’ll re-type it here on the post with some after-thought tweaks.


Why do I prefer writing something down, rather than to just type it? I wonder why, it’s not like I have eye-pleasing handwriting, it’s quite horrible as you can see. Looking at it pragmatically, typing does come with many technological perks, like auto-correct and copy-paste. There are at least 2 reasons why I think doing it the traditional way is still superior; 1).digital perfectionism, and 2). motions that are implicated with writing.

body paragraph 1

Writing by typing in the computer can be intimidating because of the singularity and the curse of being a perfectionist. Things on the internet are often the final by-product from hours of unknown process.

Even if I’m aware of this fact, I still unconsciously comparing my work in progress side-by-side with the zillion things I see on the display of my screen. Everything I make seems sloppy, so I kept on questioning myself, rethinking, changing, and rearranging what I did over and over again.

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Writing with the movement of your fingers, wrist, and arm shows me that it is okay to be imperfect, mostly because I have nowhere-near-perfect handwriting, but I enjoy the process anyway, and between you and me, I thought I did a pretty good job. Even though it is abstract, however, the embodiment of your personality can be seen through the shapes of your strokes in a way that can never be translated with its typed counterpart.

To conclude, despite all the technological advancement a keyboard can have, it still can’t replace the feeling I experienced when I write.

If there ever comes a time where people can take notes straight from their mind, please let me know, it might defeat writing.

